Sunday, May 10, 2009

Query Confusion

Somehow, put the question after this response. Ah, the blog learning curve. I'll get it right next time (maybe).
Dismiss most of that rumor! (The rumor in question is posted at the bottom of this response). Agents ALWAYS ARE LOOKING for talented writers, hoping to find the next Rowlings, Patterson, or Hemmingway. (Sheesh! Putting Hemmingway in the same sentence as "Patterson". . . sorry Ernest). I digress.
All agents want manuscripts they can sell to publishers. Create a glow-in-the dark manuscript and equally fabulous query letter and you'll receive invites to submit your work. If the agent believes your work has potential, they'll submit it to one or more editors they know at various publishing houses. Once the editor becomes interested and makes an offer, you and your agent are off and running and voila! you can order "soon-to-be-published author" business cards.
Obviously this response is a little condensed. More info eventually will be given in re the process, time frame, money coming your way, etc.
It all begins with obtaining an agent. You do this by writing a query letter that proves you're a writer and have a manuscript worthy of publication.

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