Thursday, June 18, 2009

Query letter RED FLAG words

The query letter enables you to prove you are a writer of skill. Not just any writer, but one who knows what they’re doing. Overwhelmed with query submissions, agents will give your query a nano-second of attention. They’re looking for a reason to reject so they can read as many queries as possible (and reduce the overwhelming size of the slush pile).

You want them to read your first, second and third paragraphs. Not to stop when they see a red flag, and then another, and another. The most common red flag? Weak words that send the message, Amateur! Amateur!

What are some of the most overused "weakies?" Is, are, was, were, being, be, did, that, got, feel, think, take, and that are the ones I spot most while helping clients tighten their query letters. My advice? Re-vise sentences that contain them. This is time well spent. Agents will make the assumption that weak words in a query signal weak words in your manuscript. Kaboom! Off your query flies to the reject pile.

Avoid this dreaded query letter fate by revising and getting rid of the weakies. Do the same with your manuscript. Do everything you can to insure your submission is as polished and professional as possible.

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